8th Singapore Open Pencak Silat Competition

Date: 2019-10-27

From 25-27 October, the 8th Singapore Open was held right after the International Wasit-Jury Upgrading Course. The Class 3 participants had their chance to try out on the arena the things they learnt and to test their skills.

Apart from that, this time round, the Singapore Open Championship hosted a total of 37 teams and 62 participating categories. Team Singapore came in first place with a total of 34 golds, 13 silvers and 16 bronze medals. Team PAL B.6.C came in second place with a total of 7 golds, 6 silvers and 8 bronze medals. Team PPLM DKI Jakarta came in third with a total of 5 Gold, 4 Silver and 5 bronze medals.

Every edition of the Singapore Open championship proves to be a success, this time round even more so with the extended course that was very well received by the participants. We hope for more success stories in the future!